Wednesday 2 May 2012

'n Paar Padaanwysings

Geliefdes, hiermee 'n paar goed om voor uit te kyk op pad na die venue toe - hoop dit maak dinge makliker! As julle nie hierdie merkers sien nie... dan is julle op die verkeerde plek. :)

Dear friends, a couple of visual markers that you'll see on your way towards the venue - hope it makes things a little easier! If you don't see any of these on your way to the wedding then you are lost. :)

1. Groot kragstasie (Op die R50 oppad na Delmas toe net na die Rietvleidam afdraai)
1. Big power station (On the R50 towards Delmas, just after the Rietvleidam turn-off)

2. Rietfontein afdraai + Dean's Stationers bordjie
2. Rietfontein turn-off + Dean's Stationers sign

3. Nova Stene
3. Nova Bricks

4. Vliegskool & vliegveld
4. Flight school & airfield

5. Grasslands (saam met die groot grasvelde)
5. Grasslands (together with the wide open grass fields)

6. Olive Mystery Afdraai (kyk maar mooi vir die een... afdraai reg by bordjie na links)
6. Olive Mystery Turn-off (have a look out for this one... turn-off right by sign to your left)

7. Wattlewood Plaas/ Olive Mystery kruising
(Hier moet julle net reguit aanhou, nie regs of links gaan nie)
7. Wattlewood Farm/ Olive Mystery junction
(Here you need to go straight, don't turn right or left)

8. Olive Mystery Venue aan jul regterkant
8. Olive Mystery Venue on your right hand side